Friday, October 27, 2017

Guide on How to Choose the Best CBD Oil

 The cannabis plant, or hemp, contains over 85 active substances known as cannabinoids, from which the most important are THC and CBD.

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the psychoactive substance found in Cannabis which causes relaxation and euphoria.

CBD (Cannabidiol) is the active compound found in Cannabis, which, unlike THC, does not cause euphoric states, but has many applications in medicine, as neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, anti-pain, anti-psychotic, anti-spasmatic.

Unlike THC, which is the psychoactive substance of cannabis and which makes it illegal in most countries, the CBD does not cause an altered state of consciousness.
Although Cannabidiol has no visible effects when taken alone, when combined with the THC, it has a sedative and psychotic effect, which many users do not want.

In 1964, the Israelis scientists were the first to decode the Cannabis's mystery, publishing for the first time the medical info regarding the Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other 70 cannabinoids, all of which having interesting biological effects.

The professor Zvi Vogel, the co-author of the study, was among the first researchers to describe the endocannabinoids, later in 1990. Endocannabinoids were described as molecules that behave like the THC in the body.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is considered the largest and the most powerful cannabinoid in Cannabis plant by the researchers from the University of Tel Aviv who have mostly focused their research on this compound.

In a study conducted in 2011, they showed that CBD helps treat multiple sclerosis symptoms in lab mice by preventing the immune system from attacking the nerve cells in the spinal cord.

Another study conducted by the University of Standford, on 19 children with rare epilepsy, resulted in a substantial reduction in their seizures in 84% of the cases thanks to the controlled consumption of cannabis with an increased CBD content.

It has also been proven that CBD suppresses colon cancer tumors in lab mice and simply kills the cancer cells in breast cancer. All these have been shown in laboratory studies conducted by Dr. Sean McAllister at the California Pacific Medical Center. However, cancer specialists have said the CBD's effectiveness in cancer treatment remains to be demonstrated in real human studies.

CBD also has anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. Anti-oxidants fight neurodegenerative diseases and aging. It has also been shown that CBD stimulates healing in the cases of bones fractures in the tests conducted on lab animals.

CBD Benefits.
l  Reduces nausea and vomiting
l  Suppress convulsions
l  Combats psychotic disorders
l  Combats inflammatory disorders
l  Anti-oxidant
l  Combats neurodegenerative disorders
l  Antitumoral / Anticancer
l  Tumors and cancer cells killer
l  Antidepressant
l  Combats anxiety and depression disorders

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is not a psychedelic compound, such as the THC is, so it is not generating modified states of mind, consequently it is definitely risk-free for usage under almost any typical conditions.

CBD has no usual adverse effects, however, sometimes it might generate:
l  Heart conditions because of the high content of Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential oils: despite the fact that Omega 3 and Omega 6 are extremely healthy for people, an overdose could enhance the threat of cardiac arrest. Hence, it essential to respect the dosage.
l  Blood clotting: CBD Oil could terminate the effects of anticoagulants, the fact that could, at some point, lead to the formation of blood clots, enhancing the threat of cardiac arrest.
l  Not recommendable for pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers.

These adverse effects, other than the last one, are just relevant to individuals who deal with cardiovascular conditions, and for that reason, if you're experiencing such problems, a check out at your physician is recommended prior to starting consuming CBD Oil.

The United States regulations consider that the CBD removed from hemp is a legal ingredient, given that it is not psychedelic and includes no traces of THC.

However, the CBD drawn out from Cannabis that were grown for drugs manufacturing (Marijuana, Hashish, etc.) is taken into consideration as illegal, and the production, the selling, the holding, and as well as the usage of this kind of CBD is prohibited, because of the fact that will most certainly have traces of THC.

The FDA takes into consideration that the CBD Oil supplements are risk-free and legal, despite the fact that the FDA is not regulating the production procedure of the CBD Oil supplements due to the fact that this kind of supplements is claimed to enhance the general health and wellness.
The FDA is only regulating and thoroughly controlling the manufacturing process of those supplements which are marketed as a therapeutic method for a particular ailment or condition.

Reduces Anxiety and Stress.
Finding a way to reduce stress is essential in order to diminish the risks for developing stress-related diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, psychological disorders, diabetes, or cancer.

CBD is a very powerful stress reduction substance, therefore the supplements based on CBD are very helpful in this regard.

CBD Pure Hemp Oil, since it contains CBD, can reduce anxiety and stress by interacting with the Serotonin receptors and improving Serotonin reception in the brain and by improving the neurogenesis (production of new neurons).

Interacting with the Serotonin receptors.
The CBD is activating the 5-HT1A receptors in the human's brain, which is involved in the Serotonin reception. The Serotonin is also known as the hormone of happiness and it is directly involved in anxiety and stress reduction.
When the Serotonin level is lower, then the body defensive response to stress stimuli decreases causing stress and anxiety.
The CBD is helping the body to secrete more Serotonin, therefore it is regulating the body defensive response to stress factors.

Improving the neurogenesis.
The nervous system cells, the neurons are involved in a multitude of activities.
The birth of new neurons, known as neurogenesis, is very important in regulating proper brain functions.
An improper neurogenesis can lead to brain malfunctions, stress, anxiety, and depression.

CBD Pure Hemp Oil supplement is improving the neurogenesis, therefore is successfully reducing stress and anxiety, keeping you safe for the stress-related disorders.

Studies have been conducted in order to prove the CBD's efficiency in curing anxiety and in stress reduction.

Studies on animals have proven that the CBD is actually helping the body to cope with stress, to reduce blood pressure, and to reduce the heart rate.

Other studies have been conducted on humans. A study conducted on 24 men suffering from SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) has proven that the CBD lowered anxiety, stress, and overall discomfort.

The regular dosage of CBD for reducing stress is to 40-50 mg of CBD in one serving per day, even though a dosage of 600mg of CBD has been used in the clinical studies.

l  CBD Oil used in nutritional supplements comes only from hemp, therefore it is legal.
l  CBD Oil supplements contain no THC traces, being risk-free for consumption.
l  The FDA marked the CBD Oil supplements as safe and legal.

l  The FDA is not regulating and thoroughly controlling the manufacturing process of such supplements because this sort of supplements based on CBD are marketed as overall health enhancers, and are not marketed as a treatment for a specific disease.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

How to buy CBD Pure Hemp Oil?

CBD Pure Hemp Oil is the best CBD-based supplement on the market, but how to buy it and from where?

The Internet is filled up with dozens of dietary supplements made of a large variety of substances and chemicals, any of which is promising miraculous treatment or improvement in cases of different health disorders or illnesses. Among these, are also the hemp oil dietary supplements, such as CBD Pure Hemp Oil.

Many of us are browsing the Internet to find out which is better than another, when it comes to dietary supplements, and which is the real deal, and which are the fakes, especially due to the fact that since the Internet has developed and spread worldwide, there are many ghost companies, con artists, or even biased reviews on such products, all dedicated only to the single purpose that is the profit.

The same applies when it comes to the CBD Pure Hemp Oil, which is sold on different sites, on different appearances, or by different companies. So, how to buy CBD Pure Hemp Oil in order to be sure you'll get the original product and not a low-quality fake product? Let's find out together!

What are the benefits of the CBD Pure Hemp Oil?

First, I decided to talk a little about the CBD Pure Hemp Oil's beneficial effects on humans health, comparing what the producer is stating with what are in fact the benefits.

The manufacturer, Nutra Pure, LLC., which is a Canadian company based in Vancouver, VA, is on the market since the year of 2012 and it is the producer of a bunch of dietary companies. Regarding the CBD Pure Hemp Oil, Nutra Pure, LLC., describes it as a revolutionary product which has many benefits:

l  Promotes healthy cognitive function
l  Support healthy joint and muscles functions
l  Combats anxiety and depression
l  Combats nausea and vomiting
l  Promotes overall heath and well-being

In reality, the Cannabidiol (CBD, also known as hemp oil), which is the only ingredient in CBD Pure Hemp Oil, brings more benefits to humans health than the producer states on the supplement's official site.

In fact, other beneficial effects of the CBD has been discovered and proven during medical studies on Cannabis plants. So, besides the benefits described on the product's site, the CBD is also known to:

l  Reduce inflammation
l  Reduce convulsions intensity
l  Combat neurodegenerative disorders
l  Fight psychosis
l  Kill tumors, especially in cases of breast and colon cancers.

This discrepancy between a number of benefits advertised by the manufacturer and the multitude of beneficial effects proven by years of medical studies is absolutely surprising.

Many of us, including myself here, may think that a manufacturer will always look to add a bunch of benefits for its products in order to make it more attractive for the potential customers.

However, it is not the case with Nutra Pure, LLC., which is only advertising around a half of all the CBD's beneficial effects.

It could be a marketing technique to address to some low-competition niches, or it could be the fact that the CBD Pure Hemp Oil is only sold in a maximum concentration of the active substance of 600mg, and for more complex beneficial effects, such as fighting tumors, higher concentrations may be needed.

Another aspect, which is more likely to prove why the manufacturer chose to advertise only the most common benefits of Cannabidiol, is that the more complex beneficial effects of CBD (cancer cells killer, convulsions reducer, and so forth) has been proven on lab mice, while clinical trials on humans haven't been conducted, yet.

On the other hand, the online is saturated with dozens of positive reviews on Cannabidiol's effects as a cancer treatment, many of these reviews being posted by people who have cured their cancers with CBD, or helped others to achieve this.

Keep in mind that further studies has to be conducted in that direction in order to prove CBD's power against different cancer forms.

How Much CBD Pure Hemp Oil Costs?

As said before, the CBD Pure Hemp Oil dietary supplement comes in a maximum concentration of 600mg. The other two varieties are of 100mg and 300mg, each having a different price, as follows:

l  CBD Pure Hemp Oil 100 – $24.99
l  CBD Pure Hemp Oil 300 – $44.99
l  CBD Pure Hemp Oil 600 – $69.99

Besides, every purchase has a 90-days refund policy, according to which the manufacturer will totally refund you if, for any reason, you're not satisfied with the product.

How Much CBD Pure Hemp Oil Should You Take?

A standard dosage is two 25mg servings per day but it depends on the condition you want to treat. For more complex conditions, a higher dosage is more suitable.

For example, in pain treatment the regular dosage is of between 3 and 20mg per day for 5 months tops, depending on pain location and intensity.

On the other hand, for curing sleep disorders the regular dosage is of between 40 and 160mg per day.

For curing brain-related disorders (sclerosis, cognitive disorders, and so forth) or psychological disorders (anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and so forth) the regular dosage is of around 1,000mg per day, in 2 to 4 months cures.

Keep in mind that:

l  CBD Pure Hemp Oil 100 contains 100mg of active substance (CBD) per 1g of product
l  CBD Pure Hemp Oil 300 contains 300mg of active substance per 1g of product
l  CBD Pure Hemp Oil 600 contains 600mg of active substance per 1g of product

How to Buy CBD Pure Hemp Oil?

CBD Pure Hemp Oil is available for purchase on the product's official site but also on Nutra Pure, LLC.'s affiliates' sites.

Of course, the necessary dosage has to be taken into account, too. If planning for a long-term cure, do the math before purchasing the product. Keep in mind that every CBD Pure Hemp Oil bottle contains 2 Fl. Oz (60ML), regardless of the concentration of the active substance.

The CBD Pure Hemp Oil is a registered trademark, so another product with a similar name (there are hundreds) is not it, and you may end up getting a product that comes in other concentrations of the active substance, or it is manufactured differently and may contain additives or other chemicals.

Also avoid buying the product from regular guys over the Internet because, even though the name and bottle will look the same with the original product's ones, the content will most likely be false.

There's no need for any unhappy customer to re-sell the product, since the producing company is covering a total refund in such cases of unhappy customers, therefore, the people re-selling their bottles of CBD Pure Hemp Oil are most likely crooks aiming to deceive with a cheaper product, that will eventually be proven to be plain water.

So, in order to be sure you'll get CBD Pure Hemp Oil and you'll take advantage of its benefits the best option is to get it right from the official site.


Guide on How to Choose the Best CBD Oil

  The cannabis plant, or hemp, contains over 85 active substances known as cannabinoids, from which the most important are THC and CBD. ...